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5 Ways to Use Video to Sell Products

Isny DR.
13 August 2018

Best ways use video to sell products.

Video dominates our news feeds. It captivates our attention. Simply put, we love to watch it. For years, you might relied on physical sell sheets to license your ideas for new products. Sell sheets are straightforward, like billboards.

On a single sheet of paper, you would focus on highlighting the major benefit of your idea. You would also include an image, name, as well as your contact information. Sell sheets are still important. But if you really want to connect with your audience, create a video sell sheet as well.

The reality is, there is so much more you can convey about an idea in a one-minute video. Your marketing materials need to act like a lure, prompting whoever receives them to want to know more. Remember, people are self-interested. They want to know what’s in it for them. They need to be given a reason to care. Think of your video sell sheet as your mini-movie.

To be clear, static marketing materials like sell sheets are still important and always will be because they’re easily shared and absorbed. But video is powerful, it grabs attention in a way that copy simply does not. The good news is with a little practice, you can teach yourself how to create your own video sell sheets. Here’s how!

1. Keep It Short
As in, about one minute long. Commercials are short for a reason. Your goal is to convey the benefit of your product idea as quickly as possible. It’s not about you. You need to make people care. Focus on making an impression, not including as much detail as possible.

2. Use Equipment and Software You Already Own
If you own a newer smart phone, that will work. Consider purchasing a microphone, the one on your phone would not be able to pick up your voice if you’re too far away. But you can film a great video sell sheet without speaking, too. Tripods are very inexpensive these days, and will serve you well.

Apple MacBook come equipped with iMovie. If you have a PC, use Windows Movie Maker. You don’t need to learn the ins and outs of video editing to create an effective video. Watch tutorials on YouTube to become familiar with them.

But if you make the video using your smartphone, the resolution might not look great. Wait until you have uploaded the file to your computer to determine if it’s crisp enough or not.

3. Experiment
Try filming in different lighting. Try filming from different angles, including close-up and at a distance. Your goal is to have more than enough content to play around with once you begin editing. Rough prototypes look great on camera, so don’t obsesses about perfecting yours. You’d be amazed what a little editing can do.

4. Don't Speak If You Don’t Like Your Voice
You’re great in front of the camera, but most people are not. No problem. Voiceover specialists on sites like Upwork are affordable. And, shooting without audio gives you a lot of flexibility. For example, you could insert captions explaining what’s going on in each scene instead of relying on a narrator. This method leaves a lot of room for error.

If you think you’d like to be in your video, ask your friends or family for their honest opinion about how you come across onscreen.

5. Storyboard is a Must
You will save yourself a lot of time if you do. Open your video sell sheet with a title page and end with your contact information.

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