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5 Ways to Run a Successful Business with Friends

Eskanisa R
15 August 2018

Running a business with friends is not an easy thing and needs to be thought about carefully. Check out the review below for tips on how to run a business with friends smoothly!

Photo by DISRUPTIVO on Unsplash
Feeling less with your current income? It is undeniable that opening your own business sounds very tempting, especially if you can do it with friends who have similar tastes. Interested in trying it? Here are some tips that you should pocket before executing.
1. Goals & Targets
Building a business from scratch with friends is certainly not an easy matter. Not only capital is at stake, but also friendship. Therefore, it is important that you have clear business goals and targets. If both parties understand the goals well, of course, it will be easier to achieve business targets.
2. Commitment
Business targets can be achieved with a strong commitment. Apart from having to be sure and aware of each party's capabilities, both parties must know the market potential. It is much better if you choose a business according to your abilities, for example, if you have good cooking skills, then it is advisable to pursue a culinary business, which is currently on the rise. However, don't forget your initial commitment to advancing your business and surviving even in difficult times.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

3. Communication

To unite differences, communicating intensely is the right answer. So that the business process continues to run according to its original purpose. Weekly meetings are an ideal way to build communication. Hold a meeting at least once a week to discuss and find out how far the business development is being carried out together. Feel free to provide criticism and suggestions.
4. Make A Clear Division & Tasks
Both parties must also know their respective duties, not to overlap or to be one-sided. The division of tasks must be carried out before the business runs. Everything must be clearly stated in the contract. This also applies to profit sharing, which must be adjusted according to the capital used at the start, labor, transportation costs, and other factors.
5. Letter of Agreement
Black-on-white must be made so that both parties know their respective matters and obligations. It needs to be underlined that trusting friends is important, but don't let this be used as an excuse not to make an agreement. Because the letter is useful as a reference for making decisions.

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