Do not worry! You can do the ways below so that super busy clients can immediately reply to your e-mail.
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E-mail is a means of communication, including for work. Even so, sometimes the people we send messages to don't reply right away because of their busy schedules. So what if you really need an e-mail reply as soon as possible, while the person you sent the e-mail didn't reply?
1. Concrete Subjects
The subject or title must be written in a concrete way and can at least describe the purpose of the e-mail a little. For example, “Cooperation for Project ABC”. One sentence in the title, not long, but not too short to catch his attention. If necessary, add EoM (End of Message). This is useful for making it easier for clients to understand the content of your e-mail.
2. Remind the Recipient
Very busy clients usually meet many people almost every day. Before you e-mail them, make sure you remind the recipient who you are, when and how you met them, and what your job is.
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash
3. Not Hard to Read
Less is more, always remember this sentence! Keep the e-mail short and concise. If necessary, make it a few sentences long, but the content can still reveal the purpose for which you are sending the e-mail. You can also bold or underline words or sentences that are important for the client to know. Pay attention to the type of font. Use only one type of font so that your e-mail does not look cluttered.
4. Easy to forward
Keep e-mail clean. The point here is an e-mail without various images in the body text, and it is easy if you want to forward the recipient, without having to modify it. Remember! Even a minute is very valuable for a super busy client.
5. Follow up Without Disturbing
Still not getting a reply from your client? There is no need to follow up every day because it will only make him feel annoyed. Just do it once or twice a week. Attach the original e-mail containing the deadline to your follow-up e-mail. You can also tell the client to make sure your e-mail isn't spam.