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5 Types of Annoying Coworkers and How to Deal With Them

Isny DR.
25 September 2017

Which type do you think you belong to, here?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Every workplace has employees with different personalities, and not all of them suit you. But as a professional worker, you can't avoid let alone be hostile to annoying co-workers. Here are five types of annoying office friends and how to deal with them.
1. The Lazy One
Do you have a co-worker who spends more time playing games on their phone, streaming drama series, or even sleeping than working? Surely very unpleasant, right? Especially if you are in the same division as him. Then how to deal with it?
You have two choices, ignore or reprimand him. However, if that person's laziness is interfering with your work, of course, you should reprimand him or complain to your boss.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
2. The Curious
At first, it might be nice to have a partner who seems to care or want to know more about you. However, if the person turns out to ask a lot about your personal life, it will definitely be very annoying.
The only solution for the person is to state directly that the questions are too personal or confidential.
3. Talkactive
Employees certainly don't just come to the office to work. They also want to chat with friends from work, especially those who are very close. However, talking too much or even joking is also not good because it can cause work to be neglected. For that, there's nothing wrong with occasionally stopping the chat session. If your colleague insists on telling a story, give him a deadline, say fifteen minutes.
4. The Temperamental
Of course, it's not fun to have an office friend who gets angry easily. When the person is angry with you, the mood becomes bad for work. Usually, people like that also bring a negative influence on co-workers.
If you can, try to talk to the person so that they don't get easily provoked by their emotions in dealing with various things. If you don't feel you have the right to tell him because you are subordinate, talk to your manager or someone who has the right to intercede. If that still doesn't work, you can start a joke to lighten the mood.
5. Know-it-all
People who know themselves usually always have their own opinion about anything. What makes it so annoying is that the person doesn't see beforehand whether his opinion is factual or not. The best step in dealing with it is to ignore the opinion if it is not true or explain if what he said is wrong with the actual facts.

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