There’s so much on the horizon in the social media arena in 2018.
We can't denied, social media now has became a major platform for their users. It is not too much if social media considered has taken a big role of their users daily life. With social media, we can easily get what information we want.
Some social media platforms has confirmed themselves as the biggest platform in the world, they are Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. They have their own roles.
In 2018, what social media trends will be happen? Quoted from Plannthat, these are the predictions.
1. Instagram Stories Become Daily Needs
Sharing moments with photos or videos for 24 hours was pioneered by Snapchat. Ironically, the citizens seems like prefer Instagram Stories or InstaStories than Snapchat. And in 2018, predicted there will be so many Instagram users can't quit using InstaStories.
InstaStories was predicted going to be one of basic needs, where the users will always sharing their moments, like everyday. And they just don't care if it is immportant to share or not.
2. We're Going to be Crazy for Live Streaming
Although live streaming has been existed since last two years, it doesn't mean this feature will disappear in 2018. Otherwise, live streaming will getting liked by so many social media users and will no longer considering it as a celebrities thing.
Social media platform such as Facebook and Instagram will also presenting live streaming feature with better capabilities.
3. Twitter Evolution
Although many Twitter users has left this platform, Twitter predicted will return this year. The sign of Twitter evolution has known since November 2017, where this microblogging social media has updated their tweet feature, so you can tweeting up to 280 characters.
Thanks to Twitter users who keep complaining that they can't tweeting over 140 characters or they should installing third party so they can tweeting over 140 characters.
4. Augmented Reality Taking Over Social Media
Let's be honest! We love Augmented Reality (AR) which can only be found on Snapchat video. It is possible that this year, other social media platforms will following this Snapchat innovation.
Facebook as example, later this month they also presenting AR feature for Facebook Messenger. With this, Facebook Messenger users can adding an AR effect with realistic objects, such as heart or other funny animations on a video that you want to send.
The reason why Facebook follow Snapchat step to adding AR feature to their application because they want make Facebook Messenger more fun and not only focus as a communication app.
5. Social Media with Virtual Reality (VR)-based Become Favorite
Again and again Facebook became a pioneer. A Mark Zuckerberg's giant social media just launched their latest social media for Oculus device, Spaces. Spaces combining VR and social media. Spaces allows Oculus users to connected with their Facebook account and they can experience using social media in a different way.
They don't have to using Facebook Messenger to keep connected. Spaces will show you an avatar and you can doing voice communication, just like the phone call.
Through this app, there are four Facebook users who can connected into a group. Each user can talking, painting, watching 360 video, make a phone call, and selfie using your avatar.
For now, Spaces can only used through Oculus Rift. But, it is possible this app can be available for other VR platforms.