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5 Tips To Be Strong & Not Weak During Fasting

Alinear Indonesia
13 April 2023

It's not uncommon for you to feel weak when you are fasting. To anticipate, let's consider the following tips.

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash
Enduring hunger and thirst is one of the challenges in the fasting month. Usually, hunger and thirst appear when lunchtime goes into the afternoon. This is because the stomach is used to being filled with food and drinks regularly at that time. So that causes you to have to adjust to intake for 12 hours. Not infrequently this makes the body feel weak when not consuming nutritious food and drinks. As reported by, here are tips on how to be strong when fasting.

Photo by Taylor Kiser on Unsplash
Increase Consumption of Fibrous Foods
Eating a lot of fiber will cause you to hold full longer. Because the body takes longer to digest fiber compared to other foods. That's why, you will feel full longer. So, so that you can be stronger when fasting, eat more fiber at dawn or break the fast.

Photo by Clint McKoy on Unsplash
Plenty of Water & High Fluid Foods
When fasting, the body loses a lot of fluids. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. So that your stomach doesn't bloat, you should divide your consumption of water gradually, namely three glasses at dawn and breaking the fast, and two glasses before going to bed. Avoid coffee or drinks that contain caffeine because they will make you thirsty quickly.
As for food, multiply the soupy food. For example soup or soup. Apart from being nutritious, soupy foods will also meet the fluid needs of the body.

Photo by Jan Sedivy on Unsplash
Avoid Excessive Carbohydrates
Did you know that eating carbohydrates in excess will cause your body to experience a sudden spike in sugar and it will decrease quickly? This will cause the body to feel weaker and less powerful. Indeed, eating carbohydrate foods makes the stomach full but also hungry quickly. It's best when you want to fast, and avoid consuming excessive foods that contain carbohydrates so that the body doesn't get hungry and weak easily.

Photo by Leohoho on Unsplash
Help With Vitamin Consumption
In order for the body to stay fit and primed in carrying out daily activities while fasting, help by taking vitamins. Vitamin B12 san C is very good for the body because they can help strengthen the immune system and also as an energy booster. So make sure you also take a multivitamin.

Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash
Break your fast with a Sweet Dish
Not infrequently before the time of breaking the fast makes your hungry eyes. Looks like all the food is going to look delicious and you're going crazy. Eits, wait a minute… You need to remember that the hull needs adjustment after hours of not working. To start the time breaking the fast, you should drink warm plain water or warm plain tea. Warm water or warm plain tea can moisten the stomach so it's ready to work again. Then, break the fast with sweet food because the body needs sugar intake to replace the blood sugar used during fasting all day. So that the calories don't pile up, don't over-consume sweet foods when breaking your fast.

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