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5 Things You Should Never Do After a Workout

Isny DR.
07 September 2017

5 Things You Should Never Do After a Workout

Exercising is indeed a useful activity to fill free time. However, did you know there are several things you should avoid after exercising? Here's the information.

1. Not eating
After expending a lot of energy, the body naturally feels weak. However, most women prefer not to eat after exercising. They think that eating will make the exercise they have just done in vain. Even though the body needs carbohydrates to replenish energy in the body after exercising.
2. Letting the body become dehydrated
Exercising makes the body sweat a lot. Don't let your intention to live a healthy life end up dehydrating your body because you don't drink after exercising. Get into the habit of drinking water after exercising to restore lost body fluids.
3. Touching the Face
If you are used to exercising at the gym, avoid touching your face with your hands after exercising. The exercise equipment at the fitness center is used by many people, and a lot of bacteria may stick to the equipment you use. Make it a habit to wash your hands after exercising.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash 
4. Relax
Tired of exercising, the best thing is to relax. However, don't let your body wear sweaty clothes for too long. This will cause fungal infections in the body. Not only that, relaxing for too long after exercising can also cause colds.

5. Not Cooling Down
Just like before exercising, you are required to warm up first so that your muscles don't tense up. Even after exercising, you are required to cool down. A body that has spent a lot of energy needs something that can calm it down. What you can do is take a leisurely walk for five minutes, this way your body gives a signal to your heart to relax your muscles.

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