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5 Health Benefits of Matcha for Body

Eskanisa R
30 November 2017

Matcha is considered more healthy than green tea. Here are the benefits for you!

Photo source: Pixabay
Similar but not the same, basically matcha and green tea are two different types of tea. Derived from the same plant, the differences between both of them are process and color produced after processing steps.
Matcha is considered more healthy than green tea. It is because the matcha drying process shorter than green tea. Matcha also has a more concentrated color than green tea. Speaking about nutrition, matcha is obviously better than green tea. Here are five health benefits of matcha for your body.
1. Antioxidant Source
Not surprisingly, a cup of matcha has lots of antioxidants like three cups of green tea. Matcha has 10 times more antioxidants than green tea. According to Dr. Mariza Snyder, author of The Matcha Miracle, released by Fox News, matcha is made by young green tea leaves in the dark room before harvest. The longer it is placed in a dark room, the higher chlorophyll contains. That is why matcha has 10 times more antioxidants than green tea. Along with that, antioxidant in matcha helps block acne-causing free radicals.
2. Help Losing Weight
The antioxidant in matcha consists of an EGCg substance. It can help lower blood cholesterol. That is one of the reasons for those who run a diet to consume more matcha. In several studies, EGCg also can boost metabolism. For the best result, drink matcha and do more exercise.

Photo by Matcha & CO on Unsplash
3. Lower Diabetes Risk
Next, chlorophyll in matcha is efficient for the detox process. In a study, researchers found that matcha has a protective effect on the digestive system, especially the kidneys. Matcha lovers have a 33% risk reduction of developing diabetes. Consuming matcha to lower blood glucose levels reduces the risk of diabetes.
4. Improve Concentration
What do you do to improve concentration? Sipping a cup of coffee with high caffeine? Meanwhile drink more caffeine, and you can try matcha. L-Theanine provides two important substances, dopamine and serotonin to improve your concentration.
5. Source of Extra Energy
L-Theanine also provides extra energy without making your heart palpitations like drinking caffeine. It lasts for 6 hours. Those who easily lack of energy or strength should drink hot matcha regularly to increase stamina.

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