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5 Valentine Gift Ideas

Victoria Tunggono

Have you thought about what gift you want to give him/her?

Valentine's Day is just a few days away! Still confused about what gift to give your partner? Alinear offers 5 ideas for Valentine's gifts. Check out the following article!
1. Pop-Up Card

Photo source by Unsplash+ (Allison Saeng)
Giving a greeting card may sound ordinary, but you can be a little creative to make it special. Try making a pop-up card, which springs up when opened. You can include a photo or other decorations. For initial ideas, you can watch the video below.
2. Character-Shaped Flowers

Photo source by Unsplash+ (Ahmed)
If you're tired of giving the same flowers, character-shaped flowers are currently trending. Find out your partner's favorite character, like Minions, Hello Kitty, or Doraemon. This way, the flowers you give will stand out!
3. Bookmark

Photo by Kasturi Roy on Unsplash
A homemade bookmark can be a unique gift for a partner who loves books. You can create bookmarks that feature romantic poems or sweet quotes from you. Including a photo of the two of you will help them remember you while reading.
4. Dating Voucher

Photo source by Unsplash+ (Getty Images)
Everyone loves vouchers! You can use this as a Valentine's gift idea. Not a shopping voucher, but a dating voucher. Create a small book filled with voucher sheets for a romantic dinner, a premiere movie, or a salon treatment. You get to decide the validity period, perhaps just a month after Valentine's. When your partner presents a voucher, you have to honor it! 
5. Gifts According to Needs

Photo source by Unsplash+ (Natalia Blauth)
The last and easiest idea is to buy your partner a gift that meets their current needs. For example, consider new shoes for work or a new bag for a party. Discover what your partner needs and surprise them with a thoughtful gift this Valentine's Day!

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