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Sitting for Hours? These are 5 Foods You Must Consume

Eskanisa R
09 October 2017

Foods that you must consume when sitting for hours to reduce the impact and risk of disease. Check it out!

Photo by Chris Spiegl on Unsplash
Most of you may not be aware that dangers are lurking in sitting too long. Sitting too long at work without balancing it with other activities risks causing various chronic diseases, such as back pain, high cholesterol, diabetes, and even heart disease. Therefore, you must consume at least one type of the five foods below to reduce this risk.

1. Avocado
The deliciousness of this fruit certainly cannot be questioned anymore. According to researchers in the United States, avocados contain various nutrients that can reduce levels of bad fats in the body so they are safe to consume every day.

Photo by Bethany Randall on Unsplash
Apart from that, avocados can also reduce the risk of muscle degeneration due to lack of activity. Muscles that are not used for a long time due to sitting too long will reduce body flexibility. Avocados can be consumed directly or mixed with other food ingredients, such as honey, yogurt, and lime juice.

2. Nuts
As we know, nuts are rich in anti-inflammatory vegetable omega-3 more popularly known as ALA. Well, compared to other types of nuts, walnuts contain more ALA. Meanwhile, almonds or almonds contain the highest levels of antioxidants and vitamin E which function to protect body cells from oxidative damage.
What is meant by oxidative damage is a condition where the number of free radicals in the body exceeds capacity so that the body cannot neutralize them optimally. This is the main cause of premature aging, cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's.

Consume 30 grams of nuts (160 – 200 calories) per day to avoid these chronic diseases.

3. Garlic
Apart from its bitter smell and taste, it turns out that garlic has many important properties. Poor blood flow is caused by various conditions, one of which is sitting in the wrong position for too long. The allicin compound in garlic reacts with red blood cells and produces hydrogen sulfate.

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash
This compound functions to relax blood vessels so that blood flows more smoothly. Apart from that, garlic also prevents the formation of fat globules which block blood vessels and are the main cause of heart attacks.

Consume at least one clove of garlic to avoid the risk of having a heart attack.

4. Pineapple
This tropical fruit, which has been popular for centuries, helps maintain bone health and strength. The manganese compound in pineapple functions to maintain bone health. Because, if you sit in the wrong position and it lasts long enough, the back muscles work extra to maintain that position.

Photo by Olivier Guillard on Unsplash
When muscles are tired, inflammation occurs in the muscles. The bromelain enzyme in pineapple functions to reduce the level of inflammation. It is recommended to consume at least one cup of pineapple per day to reduce the risk of muscle inflammation.

5. Berries
This fruit, which is rich in antioxidants, also contains anthocyanin compounds, which function to give color to the berries. It is recommended to consume dark colored berries such as blueberries or blackberries which contain higher levels of anthocyanin.

Photo by Pradeep Javedar on Unsplash
The anthocyanin compound itself functions to ward off free radicals and reduce inflammation and aches due to sitting for too long. Berries can be consumed directly, made into smoothies, or mixed into salads for more variety.

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