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5 Surprising Facts behind Fresh Soda Drinks

Eskanisa R
04 December 2017

5 surprising facts behind soda, high sugar content, can damage teeth, cause gout, cause osteoporosis, and can damage the kidneys.

Photo by Qasim Malick on Unsplash
When thirsty someone tends to choose a soda drink, it follows with the refreshing effect you get after sipping a can of soda. But, behind its sensation, there are several surprising effects of soda drinks you need to know.
1. Sugary drink

Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash
A study published in the European Journal of Endocrinology explained that a can of soda drinks contains at least five spoons of sugar, meanwhile, people only need four spoons of sugar a day. It helps to increase 2.4 times diabetes risk. Another side, World Health Organization recommended a sugar maximum intake of 25 grams or six teaspoons per day.
2. Rots the teeth
Sugar in soda drinks causes cavities. Besides sugar, two other substances causing cavities are phosphoric acid and citric. A study explained soda drinks that are consumed regularly for five years damage teeth, it comes to your tooth enamel, and overall oral health.
3. Causing uric acid

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Uric acid is produced when someone eats or drinks food with high content of purines. Food or drink with high content of purines increases uric acid levels, is crystalized, and caused pain. Purines in soda have the potential effect of joint destruction causing paralysis and being permanently disabled.
4. Osteoporosis

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Phosphoric acid causes osteoporosis. Phosphoric acid has a damaging effect on bone density. Framingham Osteoporosis Study concludes soda causes osteoporosis for women compared with men through comparison consumption frequency of soft drinks, especially containing soda.
5. Kidney failure

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The phosphoric acid binds calcium. In this order, calcium deposits in the kidney. Most of the time, kidneys will be affected which is related to kidney stones. Kidney stones can affect your urinary tract and detox process. While the kidney performs slowly, the body will absorb more toxic that are particularly harmful to health.

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