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5 Factors You Need to Pay Attention to Become a Successful Digipreneur

Alinear Indonesia
25 August 2017

These are the factors you need to pay attention to to become a successful Digipreneur. Check this out!

The development of digital technology today is quite rapid. Some people are taking advantage of this development to enter a field known as digital entrepreneurship, or Digipreneur. However, there are several factors that you need to pay attention to before starting a business in the digital sector. What are they?

1. Determine the Right Business Choice
Before starting a business, of course, someone must have skills that they have mastered. Having expertise, broad insight, and knowing the market is very important in any business. It's the same with business in the digital sector.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash
Before you decide to become a Digipreneur, know what you are good at among these three factors. For example, you have software development skills. You can create online applications such as transportation applications, communication applications, games, and many more. So start with something you are good at.

2. Find Business Opportunities That Have Potential
Just having skills in digital and technology is not enough. As a Digipreneur you must be able to see and target potential market shares. in other words, you must be able to find business opportunities that have great potential in the market. That's why market research needs to be done so that you don't make the wrong move when looking for the right business opportunity.

Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash
3. Creative and Innovative
Being an entrepreneur operating in the digital world must be creative and innovative. Because competition in the digital world is very tight and has a very wide scope, from national to international scale. Therefore, an entrepreneur's creativity is needed when packaging and marketing their products so that the products are not less competitive, and of course more attractive than competitors.

4. Multitasking
Being involved in the digital world means you have to be ready to be a multi-tasker. Because you won't just do one job. In fact, as a company founder, you must be able to understand and be a seller, marketer, and manager to develop your business. Therefore, having a broader insight into running a business is an important factor. Especially if your business is just starting.

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash
5. Create & Execute a Marketing Strategy
After finding and making your product finished, it's time to carry out the marketing strategy that was created previously. Marketing and building brand awareness is very important.

Build a product image that is as attractive as possible in the eyes of consumers. The goal is to make consumers interested in buying and using the products you market. Digital marketing is one of the important steps that must be taken by a Digipreneur in addition to other marketing steps that will be carried out.

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