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How To Become A Successful YouTuber?

Isny DR.
19 February 2018

Interested in making your Youtube Channel more views and subscribers? Check out some of these!

Photo by AQVIEWS on Unsplash
In recent years, sites such as YouTube have been used as a platform for making profits. In fact, many of them make YouTube a profession. This year alone, at least thousands of YouTubers have joined. This number is certain to continue to increase over time.
Interestingly, there are people who suddenly get rich thanks to their YouTube channel. Unmitigated, the income received each month reaches tens, even hundreds of millions of rupiah. Interested in becoming a YouTuber? Check out the methods below!
1. Create Interesting Content
Creating compelling content is the hardest part, considering that everyone has different tastes.
But if you succeed in creating interesting content, the video will attract many people to watch it or even become subscribers to your YouTube channel.

Photo by AQVIEWS on Unsplash 
The easiest thing is to capture your daily activities. When you have created content, focus on one content and develop it in various ways to make it even more interesting to watch.
2. Make Videos with Good Resolution
Imagine if you already have good video content, but the picture is broken, surely the audience will be reluctant to watch it longer. In order to get good video resolution, use a special camera for vlogs, use lighting, and a good video editing application.
3. Routine Uploading of Videos
Many people already have a YouTube account, but have little or never uploaded any content. This can happen because they are busy, or they are lazy because they have to record videos, which for some people is quite a hassle.

Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash
When you are lazy to upload videos on YouTube, believe me, one by one subscribers will leave your channel. In fact, the existence of subscribers is very important to increase your popularity on YouTube. Upload videos regularly so that subscribers feel entertained by the content you upload.
4. Tidak Perlu Banyak Iklan
YouTubers also usually work with Google Adsense to serve ads. It is undeniable, Google AdSense is also the biggest source of income for YouTubers.
However, serving too many ads is also not good for your YouTube channel. Imagine, if you're having fun watching a video, suddenly the ads are cut off, that's definitely annoying.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash  
Not to mention that the ads cannot be skipped or skipped, with a rather long duration. Those with existing subscribers will get bored and switch to another channel. It's okay if you want to place ads, but place them at the right time and not too many.
5. Promote Your Channel
There are many social media that you can use to promote your YouTube. For example, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Take advantage of social media to promote your YouTube account.
Don't forget to embed your YouTube link so that other people don't have to bother looking for it. You can embed the link in your Instagram account profile, and share it on Facebook or Twitter. Good luck!

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