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5 Ways to Increase Your Self-Confidence

Nadia Latief
18 September 2015

Still, feeling less confident? Here's how!

Photo by Daria Pimkina on Unsplash
Self-confidence is a crucial foundation in a career. By becoming a confident person, you will see the possibility of achieving success. Through hard work and the right guidance, anyone can increase their self-confidence. Here are some suggestions that you can ponder and act on:

1. Look at yourself honestly
To grow self-confidence, a person must be able to assess himself honestly and accurately. If you find a weakness, hone your skills in that area and find ways to minimize the negative impact. Having a good understanding of yourself will also help you to respond to criticism better.
2. Dare to say no
Research conducted at the University of California shows that the more difficult it is for you to say no, the more likely you are to experience stress and depression. Confident people know that having the courage to say no is a positive thing and means respecting themselves.

3. Make peace with your superiors
In the work environment, a bad relationship with superiors will damage a person's self-confidence, including even the most talented people. It's difficult to develop self-confidence when your boss always criticizes and belittles your contributions. Try to identify the source of the problem and decide if there is anything that can be done about it. If not, it might be time for you to look for another job.

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash
4. Challenge yourself
People with high self-confidence enjoy challenging themselves to achieve 'small wins'. Scientifically, this can create new androgen receptors in the brain that regulate motivation and appreciation. Increasing the number of androgen receptors will increase testosterone production so that a person will feel more confident and sure to achieve something.

5. Be assertive, not aggressive
When you feel insecure, it is easy for someone to act aggressively without realizing it. Learn to express what you feel calm without being aggressive. Having an assertive and open attitude will make you more confident.

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