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5 Benefits of Staying Home for Your Finance

Isny DR.
28 April 2020

Not going outside also provides financial benefits.

The increasingly widespread distribution of COVID-19 led the government to appeal to the public for staying home. Even so, it turns out that not going outside also provides financial benefits. What are those?

1. Save More
It’s not only makes you have more free time, but also can save expenses that you normally use every day when doing outdoor activities. For example, no need to pay for transportation costs, save lunch costs by eating your home cooking, save on expenses for socializing with colleagues or close friends in cafes or bar.

2. You Can Review Your Financial Records
More free time can be a good time to evaluate expenses. You can find out whether your expenses are excessive or equivalent to your income. With this review, you can also reflect on yourself so that in the future you can save even more. Perform this evaluation routinely every 2 to 3 months.

3. Learn More About Invest
Even though the current investment climate is not conducive, it never hurts to start studying investment so that later you can apply it when the investment climate has return to normal.

Investment is one of the important things for your future. By investing, you also get guaranteed for future uncertainty. Investment also invite you to learn how to manage finance in a disciplined and smart way. In addition, investment can also help you realize your dreams.

4. Maintain Healthy Cashflow
Not a few people who take advantage of free time during #stayinghome by opening e-commerce apps to simply see the latest collections. However, try not to fall asleep. Always target expenses according to your needs and income, to keep your cash flow healthy and can be controlled.

You can also make these targets by developing an expenditure plan. If possible, also make spending plans for the next few months.

5. Avoid the Use of Physical Money
As is known, physical money is at risk of becoming a source of the spread of viruses and bacteria. Other countries such as South Korea and Italy, which are also currently struggling against COVID-19, have also withdrawn cash circulation to reduce the spread of Coronavirus. People can still transact from home by using digital wallet.

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