4 Things to Consider Before Bringing a New Pet Home
Some of the greatest moments in life include the day we met our pets for the first time, and the day we adopted them and they came home with us. Here are 4 things to consider before bringing a new dog or cat home.
1. Cage
Pet also needs their own home. The choices of big cage and comfortable are the important thing to keep your pet away from stress. Of course, there is a price for that, starts from hundred thousands to millions. To get ideal cage, you should digging deep your wallet.
2. Grooming
Cleanliness of pet is a must thing you should keep with. It is simple, all you have to do is just bathe your pet. You can do that by yourself or you can rely on pet salon.
If you are going to bathe your pet by yourself, you need special shampoo and brush. The cost you will pay is not too many, about fifty thousands to hundred thousands, depends on the pet you have.
But, if you don't have time, seems you have to go to pet salon. But, like you know, there will be a lot of money that you should pay, depends on what kind of treatment you choose.
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3. Vaccine
Not only human pet also needs vaccine to keep them away from diseases. Vaccine not only give once. You can say that the cost for a vaccine is expensive, about Rp 80.000,- to Rp200.000,-. So, consider this thing before you decide to have pet.
4. Get a Veterinarian
Almost all pet owners have a veterinarian they can rely on for their pets'medical concern.Veterinarian is first person you should approach when your pet is sick or injured. Veterinarian are also your important source of information about your pet. Find yourself a trustful veterinarian before getting a pet.