3 Types Of People That A Marketing Person Should Know
As someone who works in marketing business, you need to target your market. There are types of people that will affect the buying decision you need to know. Taken from http://www.marketing.co.id, here they are:
1. Reference Type
This type will make a decision after seeing a good reference from the previous buyer. They need to see other people’s decision first. To deal with this type, you need to make a review feature toward your product so people can see it. The more good reviews you have, the more likely this type will buy your product.
2. Data Type
People with this type will be stuck on the analysis in concrete and absolute numbers. To deal with this type, give your selling analysis data or the strength values of the product to make them decide to buy.
3. Self-Type
This type is the most hard to conquer among other types. They make decision by their own will that can be affected by their own logic or emotion. To deal with this type, you better give space for them to make decision. If you have a good speech skill, it can be a good influence to persuade them to buy.