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Vacation Tricks on a Cheap Cruise Ship

Isny DR.
13 September 2017

Planning a vacation on a cruise ship? Do this trick to save your budget!

Photo by ben o'bro on Unsplash
Vacationing using a cruise ship may be a dream for some people. However, this holiday is still considered an expensive vacation. In fact, there are several tricks that can be done so that a vacation on a cruise ship can still be realized without having to spend a lot of money. Here's how.
Choose Short Trip
Several travel agents in Indonesia offer cruise ship vacation packages at relatively low prices for short routes, such as along the waters of Penang in Malaysia or Phuket in Thailand. The price offered ranges from Rp. 3 million - Rp. 5 million. This trip usually lasts three to four days.

Photo by Peter Hansen on Unsplash
Choose Standard Type Room
Just like hotels, cruise ships also provide rooms with various types and facilities. You can choose a room, according to your budget. Generally, the cheapest rooms are the standard type rooms.
Don't Buy Drink Packages
Most cruises offer drink packages per day, after which you are required to pay for them. Here you have to be careful because packages for alcoholic drinks are usually too expensive. For that, if you feel you don't need it, it's better not to buy it. Good luck!

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