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Welcoming Ramadan, Here Are 3 Profitable Business Opportunities That You Can Try!

Eskanisa R
16 March 2020

Profitable business opportunities in the month of Ramadan. Check here!

Photo by Osama Saleh on Unsplash
Without realizing it, the month of Ramadan is just around the corner, more or less, in more than 30 days, Muslims will be reunited with a month full of blessings. You can take advantage of this moment by trying out at least three business opportunities that are considered quite promising and profitable to increase your rupiah coffers until the holiday approaches.

1. Worship Equipment
It cannot be denied that during the month of Ramadan, mosques and prayer rooms will be filled with Muslims who are very active in carrying out their worship. This great interest also influenced them to buy religious equipment, either for their use or to donate to those in need.

You can sell various worship equipment ranging from makes, prayer mats, koko clothes, sarongs, and peci to prayer beads during the month of Ramadan. Use word-of-mouth marketing tricks, especially during tarawih prayers and promotions on social media.

Photo by yasara hansani on Unsplash
2. Clothing (Moslem)
Apart from new worship equipment, new clothes have become a tradition before the holiday. Muslim clothing for the holidays usually starts to be sought after in the middle of Ramadan, especially by mothers who want their families to look fresh and match with new clothes.

The capital required is not small, but you can get around this by becoming a drop shipper. For example, you choose the Shopee application to offer a variety of Muslim fashion collections. The dropshipper feature on Shopee allows you to buy products (on Shopee) and resell them on behalf of sellers who use this feature. Products purchased from Shopee will be sent directly to the buyer.

3. Ramadan Hampers
This business is suitable for those of you who like to spend a long time in supermarkets to compare the prices of goods and is also creative. In the month of Ramadan and holidays, parcels are often used as a medium for friendship. Usually, parcels are sent to family, coworkers, bosses, and close friends.

Parcels are made as creative as possible, starting from the shape, and color composition (items) displayed to size. Here, you can make various types of parcels at different prices, for example, economical parcels starting from IDR 150,000 to IDR 1,000,000. Choose contents (items) that are interesting and useful for the recipient. Don't be lazy about comparing prices from one supermarket to another to get maximum profits. Don't forget to also embed your greetings to make them more memorable. Good luck!
Parsel dibuat se-kreatif mungkin, mulai dari bentuk, komposisi warna (barang) yang ditampilkan hingga ukuran. Di sini, Anda bisa membuat berbagai jenis parsel dengan harga berbeda, misal parsel hemat mulai dari Rp150.000 hingga Rp1.000.000. Pilih isian (barang) yang menarik dan sudah pasti bermanfaat bagi si penerima. Jangan malas membandingkan harga dari satu swalayan ke swalayan lain untuk mendapatkan untung yang lebih maksimal. Jangan lupa juga menyematkan ucapan agar lebih berkesan. Selamat mencoba!

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