Mobile photography communities that good to followed.
Continue previous article, Alinear again will talk about mobile photography communities that good to followed, especially for you mobile photography enthusiast.
1. Hptografi
The Instagram-based community start reposting their followers photos on 2016. It is easy if you want to join the community. First you have to follow @hptografi and upload your best photo, of course it should be taken from your phone by yourself. Don’t forget to tag @hptografi, including #hptografi, and your mobile phone brand on caption. You can also add information what photo editor you used on that photo. If their consider your photo as one of the best among other photos and tineye.com state your photo is not a duplication, Hptografi will reposting your photo.
Photo Source: @hptografi
2. Phonephotography_id
Just like Hptografi, @phonephotography_id also Instagram-based community. With "Yuk maksimalkan kamera hp kamu" as the tagline, this community has over 6.000 followers. You are free if you want to join. Photo theme you want to share also free, but make sure it is your own photo. Put #phonephotography_id on the caption to get reposted by Phonephotography_id.
Photo Source: @phonephotography_id
3. Photophone.id
This one mobile photography set theme for their daily upload, Landscape for Monday, Macro for Tuesday, Still Life for Wednesday, Flora and Fauna for Thursday, Street Photography for Friday, Human Interest for Saturday, and Free Theme on Sunday. Also put required and daily hashtags if you want to get reposted. Also make sure the photo was taken by yourself from your mobile phone.
Photo Source: @photophone.id