Interested in doing business on consignment? Here is what you are possibly able to get!
For those of you who are interested in consigning goods to other shops or selling goods produced by other people in your shop, check out the benefits of the consignment system below!
1. Mutual Benefit
Yup, the product maker and the shop where you sell it will both benefit. Especially if the place of sale is well known to the public.
A finished product maker can market the product to many people with less capital than trying to market it himself from scratch. And for places that are entrusted, you can also make a profit without spending capital. A win-win solution, right?

Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash
Shop owners don't need to worry about losses if the product doesn't sell. Shop owners can also return products to the manufacturer and exchange them for other products.
Therefore, if you are a shop owner, you also need to be careful in choosing the products you want to sell, whether these products have big prospects or not. And if you are a manufacturer, be smart about convincing the shop owner of the quality of your goods, OK?

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
That's right, the more careful you are in choosing a shop owner or the goods you want to sell, the smoothness of your business will no longer be in doubt.
A few tips if you are a manufacturer, choose a trusted shop owner to avoid late deposits or other types of trickery.
It's not uncommon for shop owners to forget that they have items entrusted to them, you know. So if you choose this system, you should make a 'black and white' agreement first, so that it is more convincing for both parties, can be held accountable, and of course, can be mutually beneficial. Good luck!