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10 Hotels in Indonesia from Dutch Colonial Heritage that Still Exist

Rachelle Kandou

Staying in a hotel that has existed since the Dutch era in Indonesia certainly has its own experience and impression. Take a look at the following review!

Photo by Simon Peter on Unsplash
Hotels are lodging places that are always sought after by those who want to travel or have a staycation. This time Alinear Indonesia will share 10 hotels in Indonesia inherited from the Netherlands that still exist today. Want to know anything?
1. Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Jakarta

Photo source: Hotel Kempinski (Instagram)
This hotel, which is located at the HI Roundabout, is the first five-star hotel in Indonesia. Even in its day, this hotel was the only international standard hotel in Southeast Asia. This hotel was taken over by Indonesia during the Soekarno government from Japanese colonialism. Then the name was changed to Hotel Indonesia. Soekarno often held dinners here. Even the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, once stepped into this hotel, you know. Until now, this hotel still stands majestically and is one of the favorite hotels for travelers.
2. The Hermitage Hotel, Jakarta

Photo source: The Hermitage (Instagram)
Before being used as a hotel, this place was the Dutch East Indies Telecommunications Center building. Only at the time of independence, this building was seized by the Indonesian government. This building was also used several times as a government office and educational institution. In 2014, this building became a hotel under the auspices of Grace Leo Associates Paris and was named The Hermitage.
3. Salak The Heritage Hotel, Bogor

Photo source: Hotel Salak The Heritage (Instagram)
This hotel has been a resting place for Dutch meneers (masters) and mevrow (mistresses) since 1856. Previously this hotel was called the Bellevue Dibbets Hotel. This hotel was also used as a military headquarters during Japan's position in Indonesia. Then in 1948 this hotel was recaptured by Indonesia and changed its name to Hotel Salak to this day. The Colonial Floor is a part of the hotel building that has maintained its authenticity. If you want to experience how Dutch gentlemen and ladies enjoy the atmosphere of accommodation at this hotel, you can try the rooms on the Colonial Floor.
4. Prama Grand Pranger Hotel

Photo source: Hotel Prama Grand Pranger (Instagram)
Previously this hotel was called the Grand Preanger Hotel. This hotel has been around since 1897. Even Charlie Chaplin, the famous Hollywood silent film actor, stopped here briefly when he visited Bandung in 1932. Apart from that, Amelia Earhart, the first female pilot to circumnavigate the world, stopped by Bandung to take care of her plane and had the opportunity to stay at this hotel. Wow! Uniquely, those of you who stay at this hotel can enjoy a sightseeing tour around Bandung using a vintage 1962 Chevrolet Impala. It's really exciting! It doesn't stop there, at this hotel you can also enjoy the museum which has collections and memorabilia from the past regarding history and important guests who have come to this place. You can see it all for free.
5. Hotel Savoy Homann Bidakara, Bandung

Photo source: Hotel Savoy Homann (Instagram)
This hotel is located not far from the Prama Grand Preanger Hotel and the KAA Building. Including a very luxurious hotel and a gathering place for ancient elites. When the first KAA Conference was held, this hotel was also a place to stay for state officials from all over Asia and Africa. Some of them are Jawaharlal Nehru (Prime Minister of India) and Zhou Enlai (Prime Minister of China), Sukarno himself as the host of the KAA conference, and many more.
6. Hotel Royal Ambarrukmo, Yogyakarta

Photo source: Hotel Ambarrukmo (Instagram)
Yogyakarta is known as a city of culture and tourism. In this city, there are hotels that have existed since the Dutch era, especially if it is not the Ambarukmo Palace Hotel. This hotel has been around since Sultan Hamengkubuwono V, you know! That means it's been a long time. The Ambarukmo Hotel even became the residence of the Sultan of Jogja after the death of Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII.
In 1966, President Soekarno inaugurated this hotel as the first four-star hotel in Yogyakarta. Part of the pavilion area is still maintained today and is used as a cultural heritage. Here you can also enjoy Harijadi's murals which have been around for 30 years.
7. Majapahit Hotel, Surabaya

Photo source: Hotel Majapahit (Instagram)
This hotel was built in 1916. Before it was called the Majapahit Hotel, this hotel was called the Oranje Hotel. Then when Japan entered Indonesia, this hotel changed its name to Hotel Yamato. It was at this hotel that the Dutch flag was torn into red and white. This event eventually became known as National Heroes' Day which is celebrated every November 10.
Apart from that, this place is also known for its luxurious interior and its classic colonial interior style. What differentiates this hotel from other hotels is the shady green garden in the middle of the hotel. Suitable as an attractive background for those of you who want to take selfies. This hotel could be your choice of holiday accommodation when visiting Surabaya.
8. Horrison Arcadia Hotel, Surabaya

Photo source: Hotel Horrison Arcadia (Instagram)
Before being used as a hotel, this building was the office of a Dutch East Indies sugar company. Now this building is used as a hotel and is also a protected cultural heritage building. The most interesting thing about this building is the front which has the beauty of a strong European architectural style and is still original from 1916. For those of you who are interested in staying here, you can visit it at Jalan Rajawali, Surabaya.

9. Niagara Hotel, Lawang

Photo source: Hotel Niagara (Web)
The hotel is on the main road to Malang City. This antique building is a building that has 5 floors which are dominated by orange so it is very easy to recognize. Even though it is famous for being haunted, this building was once a villa belonging to a Dutch family. It turns out that this building was also the tallest building in Asia at that time, you know! How? Interested in staying here?

10. KHAS Ombilin Heritage Hotel, Sawahlunto

Photo source: KHAS Ombilin (Instagram)
Switching to mainland Sumatra, to be precise in Sawahlunto, West Sumatra. This hotel has historical value that is no less interesting. When Indonesia was still controlled by the Dutch, Sawahlunto was a coal mining center. It has an authentic front like old buildings in general in Sawahlunto. If you are traveling to this area, don't forget to stop by the Ombilin Hotel.

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