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10 Healthy & Natural Detox for Your Body

Alinear Indonesia
01 January 2024

A natural method of detoxifying the body that is healthy and must be applied in everyday life...

Photo by LyfeFuel on Unsplash
Planning to restore your body's system from a busy schedule on a long weekend or holiday? If yes, try following the things below. Here are some inspirations and ways to "detoxify" your body in a healthy, natural way.

Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash
1. Reduce foods that can cause inflammation
When you need to readjust your digestive system, especially if you have bloating and discomfort in the digestive tract, try and start by temporarily eliminating foods that cause inflammation in the gut which can trigger an immune system reaction. In addition, eliminating caffeine and alcohol for a short period may also help, especially if you have a diagnosed liver condition.

Photo by Ellie Ellien on Unsplash
2. Probiotics
To increase levels and good intestinal performance, try incorporating probiotics into your daily routine. This can help to restore a better system in your intestines.
By consuming probiotics, your digestion will be smoother and can also balance the good bacteria in a healthy intestine. Did you know that it is estimated that +-70% of the body's immune system is located in the intestines? So probiotics are one way to detoxify so that the body's immune system can be well maintained.
You can apply it by taking Probiotic supplements, or also by eating foods that contain Probiotics, such as Yogurt, Kimchi, Kombucha, or other fermented foods in your diet.

Photo by Bluewater Sweden on Unsplash
3. Increase water intake in your body
You probably already know this, the more water you drink, the more your body's system will be flushed, as if cleaning, neutralizing, and getting rid of substances that are not good for the body. This is in line with what is called "Detox". Make sure that your body is well hydrated. To avoid feeling tired or low energy.
The following are food choices with high water/mineral content, namely: melon, berries, and green vegetables to increase nutrition and hydration in your body system. Fruit is very good because it is rich in Vitamin C. Choose what you like and consume it regularly.

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash
4. Consume larger portions of food slowly
Try to mix up your food intake with lots of purple and green vegetables. You can also combine it with whole grains or nuts which are useful for adding fiber but still feeling full. High-fiber and nutritious foods can make it easier for your body to remove toxins from the body.
To avoid feeling bloated in the stomach or digestion, try to consume the above foods/vegetables slowly, in stages: a little every day.
5. Supplements
To maintain your metabolism and digestion, take supplements to balance and perfect the system and immunity in the body.
Along with a healthy diet, vitamins and minerals play an important role in metabolism. Supplements have also become an important necessity for completers. Vitamin B12 (B complex) and iron are key to forming healthy red blood cells. If you are deficient in these two vitamins, you will likely feel tired or lethargic very quickly.

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash
6. Regular mealtime discipline
Everyone has different hours and times when it comes to when is the right time to eat. In general, everyone's eating times are almost the same. For this reason, don't delay eating if you feel hungry. This indicates that your body and body need food intake to improve the body's metabolism and energy system.
7. Reintroduction of Intake or Food
This reintroduction phase can give you a better idea of the origins of why you need a body detox. Try eliminating and reintroducing foods you no longer consume. That way, you will know and feel the difference in your body.
If after consuming the food again you feel bad or uncomfortable, then avoid consuming it further.

Photo by alan caishan on Unsplash
8. Take good care of your skin
Did you know that it turns out the skin has quite a big role in the detoxification process in the body? One way to detoxify is by sweating. To remove toxins from the body through sweat, there are several ways you can do this, namely by sunbathing in the sun to get Vitamin D and start exercising.

Apart from that, massage can also help the body's detox process, you know... To increase blood circulation in your body. So basically, try to love and care for yourself. Because apart from being a detoxification process, you will also have a better lifestyle (mind, body & soul) or thoughts.

Photo by Junseong Lee on Unsplash
9. Exercise/Workout
Sometimes some people feel that they are not enthusiastic, lethargic, tired, etc... Why does this happen? Because you're not moving enough.

If you feel tired, heavy, or have low energy, it may be a good idea to re-evaluate your exercise routine. walking regularly during your midday break or perhaps taking time to dance/twist your body or body are two of the easiest ways to add to your daily body function movement routine.

Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash
10. Manage your stress and sleep
Last but not least, life may make you emotional and stress you. Because life may not always go according to what you want and expect. However, it is important to always avoid excessive stress and manage it well. Because this will affect your mind and bodywork.

If you are a very busy person and your sleeping hours are often irregular. Try to always improve your sleep hours. Try to sleep 6-8 hours every day even if your sleep time is not always regular. Let's implement a good lifestyle slowly and consistently.

Detoxification is not just about nutritious intake or consuming food or drinks, but also your style and way of life will have an influence. Apart from improving your immune system, you will also experience a better life in your daily routine.

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